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Model: MASC

To assess a cropping system's contribution to sustainability (Multi-attribute Assessment of the Sustainability of Cropping Systems)

The MASC tool (Multi-attribute Assessment of the Sustainability of Cropping Systems) is a model for assessing a cropping system's contribution to sustainable development. It assessed the three dimensions of sustainability using 39-criteria (economic, social and environmental). To evaluate a cropping system, each of the basic criteria should be filled qualitatively, using a judgment scale of 3 to 5 classes. MASC then progressively aggregates the criteria into a “tree”, starting with the 39 basic criteria and working backwards to provide an overall assessment of the contribution of cropping systems to sustainable development. Criteria are aggregated using “if-then” decision rules.

MASC offers a number of advantages over existing evaluation tools at cropping system level. It helps users to assess the extent to which sustainability objectives set for cropping systems have been met, in various economic, social and agri-environmental fields. It provides a “technical” content to sustainable development, by assessing the contribution of agricultural practices (planned or already implemented). Secondly, the tool offers some degree of flexibility by allowing users to change the weight of local issues. From a practical point of view, MASC is easy to use and educational, since the entire process is transparent to the user. These features make it an ideal tool not only for researchers, but also for professionals wishing to make a multi-dimensional assessment of alternative practices.

The MASC software was built by a group of researchers and faculty (Frédérique Angevin, Jacques-Eric Bergez, Christian Bockstaller, Bruno Colomb, Damien Craheix, Thierry Doré, Laurence Guichard, Antoine Messéan, Raymond Reau, Walid Sadok) from four units involving INRAE and higher education establishments (AgroParisTech, INPL, INPT): Agronomie and Eco-Innov units at Grignon, UMR AGIR at Toulouse and LAE at Nancy-Colmar. The MASC software was registered with the APP in January 2008 under version 1.0 (owned by INRA/Agroparistech), and renewed in October 2011 under its current version 2.0 (N° IDDN.FR.001.040014.001.R.P.2008.000.30100, attributed on 05/10/2011), which is owned by the members of GIS GC-HP2E.

See also

Version 2.0 is licensed under the CeCILL-C license, and downloading constitutes acceptance of the license. MASC may not be exploited commercially without first contacting and obtaining the agreement of the DEXi software owners. The CeCILL-C license allows you to use MASC V2.0 without limitation under your own responsibility, and the designers and owners of MASC V2.0 cannot be held responsible for the results obtained. Please note that any reuse of MASC V2.0 in software developments must comply with the conditions set out in the CeCILL-C license.

Access to the websiteof the package MASC 2.0

Craheix D., Angevin F., Bergez J.E., Bockstaller C., Colomb B., Guichard L., Reau R., Doré T., 2012. MASC 2.0, un outil d’évaluation multicritère pour estimer la contribution des systèmes de culture au développement durable. Innovations Agronomiques, 20, 49-78.

Sadok W., Angevin F., Bergez J.E., Bockstaller C., Colomb B., Guichard L., Reau R., Messéan A., Doré T. (2009) MASC: a qualitative multi attribute decision model for ex ante assessment of the sustainability of cropping systems. Agron. Sustain. Dev. 29, 447-461.

Sadok W., Angevin F., Bergez J.-E., Bockstaller C., Colomb B., Guichard L., Reau R., Doré T. (2008) Ex ante assessment of the sustainability of alternative cropping systems: implications for using multi-criteria decision aid methods. A review, Agron. Sustain. Dev. 28, 163-174.