The teams and members of UMR AGIR

The UMR AGIR brings together 117 people from INRAE (the AgroEcoSystem and ACT departments), INP-Toulouse (Agro-Toulouse and Ecole d'ingénieurs de Purpan) and ENSFEA. The UMR is structured around three research teams (MAGELLAN, ODYCEE, VASCO) and two staff teams (administrative/financial and IT). The UMR AGIR also hosts staff from ACTA and Agropolis International.

The MAGELLAN and VASCO teams focus on the development of agroecological systems: design and assessment of agroecological cropping systems (VASCO) and production of knowledge and tools for the management of farming systems (MAGELLAN). The ODYCEE team studies and supports the organizational forms and innovations in the agricultural value chains and territories in line with the agroecological transition of farming systems.