Model : HERB'AGE

To transform dates into temperature sums

Herb'âge is a calculation module that converts grass age into temperature sums (Theau and Zerourou, 2008). Daily average temperature sums between two dates are calculated to estimate grass development stage (Ansqueret al., 2009). They are automatically corrected for the effect of the altitude differential between the reference weather station and the plot.

The target users are farmers and their development agents who want to predict the phenological stage of their grasslands.

See also

The procedure and calculation mode can be downloaded.

A temperature sum generator has been developed by Jean Christophe Moreau (IDELE). It is based on the calculation methodology defined in Herb'âge. Using a “Météo France” database, this generator provides a date/temperature sum conversion chart (average year over 15 years) for each of the French ISOP zones. To do this, download the calculation module, select your ISOP zone in the “sommeT&dates” and “cartes” tabs. After entering your zone number, transfer it to the “sommeT&dates” tab (cell “G21”). The abacus for converting dates into temperature sums is generated for the average altitude of the reference stations in the selected zone (central column). To correct the altitude differential with the plot under study, the abacus proposes an estimate at plus or minus 400 meters around the reference altitude. This table makes it possible to read grass harvesting dates in terms of temperature, and thus becomes a communication tool between technicians and farmers.